Monday, October 01, 2007

A christmas fancy faire 9th oct to 10th oct !

Shop in comfort and style at " A Christmas Fancy Faire" at the Orchard Hotel. The biggest hotel fair with over 100 vendors (new, local and overseas) will be showing their wares at this two-day event,with items such as: Babies & Children's clothing, shoes, toys & accessories,Women's jewellery, clothing, bags, shoes & accessories; Homewares, tableware & gifts; Antique furniture, carpets,Christmas ornaments, Santas Angels and Natavity sets from Asean, special services, travel & lots more!

Venue: Orchard Hotel: the Grand Ballroom and Lavender Room·

Tuesday: 9th October 2007, 10am - 7pm
Wednesday: 10th October 2007, 0930am - 5 pm

more infos at :

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