Tuesday, October 02, 2012

DIY space cleansing in your own areas :)

lots of clients have been asking me what can they do to take away the debris left by someone in their space.like angers or heated quarrels aftermath, so that the space could get fresh breath of life again ,
a simple way is to get sage leaves to smudge the whole area or paulo santo wood sticks .

or you can get 5 different types of earth medicines and place a few of the pills into a water sprinker bottle and spray all over your area too !

for earth medicines, locally you can contact me to get them , for sage leave try asking : http://www.newagecircle.com or http://www.sacredspace.com.sg

sage leaves are more smoky and some prefer lesser smoke so paulo santo wood is a good alternative. You light it, get it burning a bit, blow out the flame and let it smoke. It will naturally die after a few minutes or less.

Burning Palo Santo smells something like smokey cinnamon and most people find it very pleasant.

remember, your intentions when you are doing your own space cleansing is important !! and remember to have fun too !!!!! ^___^

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