This year 2011 makes us aware of the need for healing and connection.
Earthquakes, a nuclear disaster, it touches directly our inner being because we are
all connected. Through suffering, sometimes we forget that it is not just about aid
and reconstruction. If we truly learn to care for the Earth, the Earth will care for us. To live with nature and each other is needed.
In this intensive we give you tools for nature healing, self healing and group healing and also to live more self-sufficient. in a respectful manner we will be harvesting wild plants for cooking. There will be nature rituals, singing, dancing and sharing round the fire.
The “Lindense Laak” in Vorden will feed us with stream, woods and fields, magical places, special circles, very old trees and lots of quiet space.
Deepen your connection with nature and experience what nature has to tell you about personal life issuses.
This four-day workshop will be given by three teachers and a support team:
*Dave Hegglun lived for 30 years in the wilderness of New Zealand. Dave is a well known stone carver. He lives in the Maori as well as in the pakia culture.
Dave is known for his contact with nature spirits, his clear vision of nature
and his intuitive knowledge of medicine plants. The maintenance and support of
nature is his mission.
* Bas Visser is a lawyer for the trees, life coach and druid. As a lawyer he is resolving conflicts between people and trees. As a druid, he counsels people in all kinds of lifeprocesses with walks in nature. His motto is "live close to nature, close to your own nature".
* Ayako Goh is a Singaporean intuitive artist she paints for people to heal them from within. She learns from elves and fairies and her teachers from the dream world. She loves the nature spirits of various landscapes and likes to meet and support them.
Dates: Friday, June 17, 2011, 15:00 pm until Monday, June 20, 2011, 17:00 pm
Location: De Lindense Laak, Vorden www.evelien-art.nl
Cost: € 375, - (including accommodation, food and drink)
Language: English and Dutch Info: Bas Visser, 0543-518517, or bmvisser@freeler.nl
Lida Duijn: lida_duijn@hotmail.com
Deelname formulier
Ondergetekende verklaart hierbij deel te nemen aan de workshop Natuurheling-Zelfheling
op vrijdag 17 juni t/m 20 juni 2011 te Vorden:
Name:………………………. ……………………………………………………….. ( m / v )
Full Address:…………………………………………………………………………………
Email: …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Night stay: own tent (= standard) / conference room on own matras+pillow and sleepingback
Mail this to bmvisser@freeler.nl of post it : B. Visser, Ravenhorsterweg 61, 7103 AR
Info: Bas Visser, 0543-518517; bmvisser@freeler.nl or Lida Duijn: lida_duijn@hotmail.com
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