Sunday, November 29, 2009

sun healing for mother earth

Today I went to a nearby water catchment area with the earth medicines and I did healings with that area , the moment I put in 3 pills of healing stone(pounamu) into the water, a group of baby swallows came out of nowhere and started circling above me, it was a nice peaceful feelings and made me feel loved at that moment ...... :) yes, like you, my problems seem so tiny when I see a bigger picture ...... *smile*

Pounamu: The greenstone, Pounamu, from New Zealand is a healer. It is not just to heal mother earth, it is to heal all living things on the earth, it is to bring together everything in love. It is a healing stone of New Zealand, and it is the aroha stone, the stone of peace and love. It is a green, the stone of the heart chakra. -( for more infos !)

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