Thursday, November 20, 2008

working on a series of 5

i started working on the 5 elements fortune cats yesterday and one was completed .

its in green colour and it stands for wood element and Green Maneki Neko cats are believed to bring good health and, by others, to bring knowledge or successful studies or to promote green fingers.

White said to represent purity, and to attract positive things and it is the metal element .

A golden yellow Japanese lucky cat will beckon immense wealth and prosperity your way and it is the earth element.

While water element will be the black cat and its job is to ward off evil spirits and stalkers, obstacles along the way .

As for the fire element it will be the red cat . A red beckoning cat it is believed will attract love, marriage and personal happiness.

All these cats will also bring in goodlucks, abundance and bliss on top of its characteristics given according to its colour .

So lets look forward to seeing them in cosmic phoenix xmas eve party !

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