to bring forth evergreen changes, healings for each of you from inside out and to bring forth new growth and new opportunities for each of u . To heal and to be strong .
this is one of the childrens' series to bring forth sweetness, innocence,childlike imaginations into one's life & to brighten up like the stars.glowing and wishing, believing in the wonders of the universe.
this piece shows the rose faery coming into birth, to teach one of love,of hurts, of pains, and to grow stronger as one grows into is always love
long awaited medicine bag made of leather finally "born" on Jan 08. 2010 this particular one took me one whole month to make it ! energy exchange of SG85$
As they dance together to the flow of life, they learn to balance with each otherAnd to help each other in times of needs with love and understandings and as theyJourney more into the wisdom of life, they learn to let go of their own worries andTo flow with ease. Joys and bliss flows in the dance as they learn to balance theYin and yang.
to help one cleanse their body systems up, to instill healings from the icy rivers from the alantis to you , to bring forth healings from inside out and to cool down the "fires" in your body.